Tag Archives: inmigrantes

Comisión de Venecia, impacto de los venezolanos, videojuegos por venir

Qué pasó con la Comisión de Venecia en estos días, del impacto de la inmigración de venezolanos en la economía peruana.

Para ser empresario se necesita

En esta ocasión hablo con tres extranjeros que han realizado la heróica proeza de hacer empresa en el Perú.

Starting a business

In order to expose this, we talked to three diferent expats that have their own operations going on in Peru.

Por qué das propina

¿Por qué damos propina? ¿Es esto económicamente racional?


If you go a place many times, it makes sense to leave a good tip, because the waiter is going to remember you and try to be a better waiter next time.

Mildemonios es mencionado: Saturday morning coffee

Speaking of family, Hans has done a podcast this week about making friends in a foreign country.

Making friends

It’s always difficult to make new friends, but it’s specially difficult if you are in a strange place.

Getting a job

The fact that there is so much informality and that we lack some important institutions, make it difficult for somebody that comes from a more formal country to find a nice and cool job.

Mildemonios es mencionado: Living in Peru

Hans has again been interviewing “friends of Peru” and this time you can get tips on how to look for a job in this country.


Valen la pena


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